Monthly Drill: Mass Casualty drill with Ridge VRS
By Vice President / Lieutenant Scot Best
May 21, 2024

On Monday, May 21st, members of the Ridge VFD and Ridge Volunteer Rescue Squad participated in a joint mass casualty incident (MCI) drill involving a multiple vehicle accident with multiple victims. The scenario involved a two-vehicle collision that entered the Ridge VFD Carnival Grounds while filled with a crowd. The goal of the drill was to practice MCI triage, hone extrication skills, crew communications, and teamwork. Firefighters and rescue personnel rapidly extricated victims from the vehicles and surrounding carnival grounds. Medical triage stations were set up and patients were placed in their proper category for treatment.

RVFD would like to thank the RVRS for coordinating this drill with us. This training gave opportunity for the two organizations to work together and brush up on skills to provide the best protection for the First District.

We would like to thank PJ's Towing for the donation of the vehicles and Ron Bailey Photo Productions for the photos.

Hyperlinks: Ridge Volunteer Rescue Squad
PJ's Towing
Ron Bailey Photo Productions