Today’s theme is: Fire Sprinklers Are Part of Fire-Safe Communities
The Ridge VFD and the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) would like you to be aware that unprotected modern lightweight home construction can fail in a fire, putting residents and firefighters at risk. Home fire sprinklers protect residents, responding firefighters, and entire communities.
A home fire can become deadly in as little as two minutes. That’s because construction with lightweight building material and flooring makes the homes burn faster, failing quicker in a fire (often collapsing). These fires are made worse by larger, more open layouts and common synthetic furnishings and belongings that burn hot and fast and produce deadly smoke.
80% of fire deaths happen at home. Fire sprinklers make our communities safer. Sprinklered developments supports Community Risk Reduction as home fire sprinklers provide superior protection for responders and residents, benefitting the entire community for decades. Unsprinklered new-home fire exposure puts responders at risk from fire, collapse, and health hazards. Each new home built without sprinklers makes the community less safe for all. By protecting new housing stock, existing resources can be directed at high-risk populations and existing unsprinklered structures.
Fire department resources are always scarce. By controlling the spread of fire, home fire sprinklers free up time that can be shifted to risk reduction programs such as smoke alarm distribution and fire safety education.
**Please share our messages and help us fill the digital world with life safety information.**
Learn more at Follow HFSC on Facebook:, Instagram: homefiresprinklercoalition, and on Twitter: @HFSCorg. You can also follow HFSC activities on Pinterest: and LinkedIn. |